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Time Keeper

“Soon man will count all his days, and then smaller segments of the day, and then smaller still—until the counting consumes him, and the wonder of the world he has been given is lost.”

We scribble “dentist appointment, 4pm” on our calendars. We fit shopping into our busy schedules. Everything has time allotted in our days. Time. We need more time.

Mitch Albom tackles this theme in his newest book “The Time Keeper,” a short but inspiring novel that rewards Albom fans. This book tracks the life of a business man and the life of a teen girl full of angst. 

Some people want more time. They cry for it, go through surgery or painful procedures, just to have a few more months. Some are miserable and want the time to fly by so that work would end, and so that the week would zip by to the weekend. Some want to sacrifice their time and give up their lives.

We each choose how to spend each hour of our day and we show how important something is by allotting time for it. We show people how valuable they are by spending time with them, calling when we have a free moment, and stopping by on Shabbat afternoon.

“The Time Keeper” is an easy read, very relatable to people of all paths of life, and inspirational. This book is definitely worth your time.

